Appreciating the past so you can move into the future of your business

Why 2020 didn’t suck and how to make 2021 even better

2020 was quite the year and it may be easy to brush it off with comments like “it sucked” or “let’s move on”.

Especially as a small business owner and especially in a field that depends on large events or gatherings to make a living.

I am speaking to all you creatives out there - musicians, photographers, event planners, DJ’s and more….

It’s that time of year when we usually set new goals and visions for the year ahead. But with most of us having to shift our business, or sadly, even closed our businesses, that could be very hard to do.

I promise though, appreciation what we DO have is key to manifesting even better things. Writing out your gratitudes or looking at things from a better place is NEEDED, especially during times of stress or feeling lack. I know it is not easy but it can be done and it will raise your vibration and help you seek out better things.

So let’s flip the script today, shall we?

Take a moment and think back to 2020. Think back to the good moments, and I promise there are some! Maybe it was appreciating the time spent at home with your family, or maybe it was appreciating your clients for working with you instead of against you during this time of pivot. Perhaps you are grateful for something new that you learned, or an old friend you connected with online.

I promise there are moments of gratitude if you look for them. And after some time of doing this, you will not have to look, but be able to see them as they happen!

Give it a try!


I appreciate:

* the weddings and events that I DID get to photograph

* all of the new families I met in the summer/fall when I was allowed to shoot

* the gentle grace of clients who understood the restrictions that were placed on my business and did not complain or make it harder for anyone

* the extra time away from my business so I could spend more time with my family

* the quiet summer without weddings to hang out by the pool with the kids and make memories

* a lot of reflection time to really assess where my business is going and evolving into

* really understanding how much I truly LOVE photography and how much I miss it when its taken away (on a professional level, I can always take photos for fun!)

* Signing back up with my business coach and realizing the benefits of having a life/business coach (and having more time to work on it!)

Now your turn! Comment below and tell me what you appreciated about 2020!