Baking Cookies for Christmas | Alliston, Ontario Lifestyle Photographer

Who ever said baking Christmas cookies was a clean event? Especially with two kids...

It was messy, and fun, and an adventure for everyone!

Cookies made with love, heart and soul ♥

I am absolutely loving our new home in Adjala Township (I know, where the heck is that?!) It is outside of Alliston, Ontario.  East of Orangeville and West of Newmarket.  They call is "God's Country" out here - come visit and you will see why!!!

All images are freelensed with a Canon 85mm 1.8 lens

To book your own documentary session, click the contact link below!

Fall Family Walk at Hungry Hollow | Georgetown Family Photographer

This is the third time I have been privileged to photograph this family! The first time was when the baby was born, then we did a fall family session later that year. And now Ysa is growing up and walking and running and getting into mischief with his older brothers!  I absolutely love when families come back to me time and time again. It means the world to me ♥

I cannot wait until our next session together!

Letters to Our Children Monthly Circle July 2014

My dear little O

Three months you are already.  Where has the time gone? Days go by and I wonder if I held you enough or laughed with your or taught you enough that day.  Being the third baby, and having your two big siblings home every day since its summer break, I feel you do not get the quality time you need (or maybe that mom needs?).  And if I hold you too much I feel the others do not get enough Mom-time. Ah, the joys of having 3 children! (wink).

Actually little one, it is a joy. You are AMAZING. You eat well and sleep awesome and I have not felt that overwhelming-too-tired-need-a-break feeling that I had with the other two at this point.  You are making this transition pretty darn easy and I love you even more for that.  As does Mommy's sanity ♥

My dear Oscar, how much I love you I cannot express. You fit into our home as though you were always here and we enjoy you in our own ways.  Some of us (Miss M) may be a little too rough while others may be a tad too protective (Big O).

But we love you in our own ways. And are happy you joined us.

Love Mommy xo♥

My Littles on Film | 10 on 10 Monthly Blog Circle | Georgetown Children's Photographer

Another monthly 10 on 10 post and this time all my images are shot on film. Yes, FILM! Like that old school stuff you used back in the day..remember? I actually am really loving film lately and for sure you will be seeing more of it on my site!

Why I love Film :

- No, or little, post processing of images. They come straight out of the camera looking awesome.

- Film always seems to have this "look" that I love. Its simple, and raw.  And totally reminds me of my childhood photos.

- Film makes my heart sing. It is like Christmas every time I send in a roll and have no idea how they will turn out! I have had some disappointments (like Christmas?!) but mostly have been happy with my scans. Even the not-so-good ones are exiting as you often forget what you shot and its like a little surprise!

- It makes you a better photographer. You HAVE to know your settings and how to manipulate light and understand the how and why of creating a great image. You only get one shot, not 100 like on digital!

- the creamy dreamy bokeh far exceeds anything created digitally

I can go on. Every time I shoot I discover another reason why I love Film.

I promise - film will be making an appearance in many a wedding or portrait shoot coming up! ♥

Once again there are a few more than ten images...but they are all my babes and I couldn't narrow it down!

Follow along the circle with the other amazing photographers starting with the talented Hope Davis

Love Bee Photography is now booking into Fall 2014. To book your session, please contact me at

Charlotte | Class of 2014 | Georgetown Childrens Photographer

She did it! Charlotte graduated kindergarten and was also the first of my graduation mini sessions! Such a fun way to document this milestone! We had a fun little mini session at Scotsdale Farm in Georgetown.  One of my favourite places to shoot!

Letter to my Children Monthly Blog Post June 2014

This month a couple of us in the blog circle decided to try something a little different. We chose a word and we get five minutes to talk about it in our letter.  This month the word is Discover.

Five minutes. GO....

Dear Miss Magoo

I call you my threenager. Three going on thirteen. Anyone who has ever been a teenager or raised a teenage will not need to ask why.  They will understand.

However, Miss, you are only three and as much as I love you and want you to grow up, you have a LOT of time left until you reach that stage. Lots to discover, lots to learn, lots more to do and see and be.  Please just stay Mommy's baby girl for as long as you can! I promise you, there is no rush to grow up.  There are paths to hike, mountains to climb, waters to sail.

You are a wonderful big sister, this role suits you perfectly. It amazes me to watch you play wiht your babies in the same way I take care of your baby brother.  Your babies are swaddled and rocked and taken for walks. And yes, even put in "time out" now and then! You are patient and kind and have taken to this new position in your life gracefully. We have our moments here and there where Mommy and Daddy must tell you to be a little more gentle with the baby, but who doesn't want to squish and squeeze a cute little baby, right?! :)

Well, my five minutes is up. My sweet girl, all Mommy wants is for you to slow down and enjoy every moment of your little life...the world is yours. ♥

Love Mommy xo

Now head over to Jen's site to read her Letter - she always has awesome eye candy photography to go with it!

Painting Party | Georgetown Lifestyle Photography

Warm weather means painting jammies. ♥

This post is inspired by a Breakout I recently read through on Clickin Moms. It is called All in the Details. It was written by Kristy Dooley, a photographer and mom. In her mini class she talks about making the details count, how to do macro photography, and how to make food look pretty! (which I am still working on!)

I have always been a detail lover but after reading Kristy's Breakout and admiring all of her gorgeous images, I learned some tips to make those details stand out even more and be a major part of the visual story.  Check it out! You do not have be a pro photographer, or be in business to get a lot out of this class! And its all downloadable, so you read through it on your own time!

Letter to my Son | May 2014 | Georgetown Family Photographer

Dearest O, my oldest son. 

Just over a month ago you were a big brother to your sister, but now, you are a big brother to a sister and brother! It is amazing to watch you with your baby brother. You are so sweet and gentle with him. You protect him from danger, from his sister, from anything that may bother him. Just the other day I had placed him on the couch for a second and you were so concerned he may roll off that you sat beside him, guarding and talking to him!

You are more than willing to help mom or dad with changing diapers, or getting us something we may need.

Every free second, whether its for a moment before school or just before bed, you are always asking to hold him "for just a sec". Every minute counts buddy and you have already discovered that precious time!

What amazes me most is watching you watch the baby.  Your eyes are full of such love and wonder and amazement. You also felt that with your sister as a baby, but I think now that you are 3 years older, it is even more prevalent. My wish is that you continue this love for your brother, you continue to protect him as he grows up, that you two are the best of friends, teammates, family and soulmates. It makes my heart so full to see how much you love Oscar already. 

I also wnat you to know, you are still my baby, my first born, my first true love (besides Daddy!), and you will always fill that special spot in my heart ♥  Keep on being you kiddo, as you are the best big brother, son, and child I have even known!

Love Mommy xo

Oh, the Places He Will Go! | Charlie's First Birthday Party | Oakville Event Photographer

Charlie turns one! His super talented mom planned and decorated this awesome travel themed birthday party for Charlie. The details were fantastic! But I am not surprised after finding out she has her own DIY blog, Harlow and Thistle

What started as a rainy day soon brightened as the sun came out and we got to spend the day outdoors! What a great party! I love shooting events like this!

If you are interested in having me photograph your next family event, pop me an email at

Mother's Day Mini Sessions | On Film | Georgetown Ontario Family Photographer

I am shooting more film again. And I am in LOVE with film. The colours always turn out perfect, no more spending hours and hours at the computer trying to make a digital image LOOK like film, or at least look correct.  There is something magic about it.  Viewing my film scans give me a sense of nostalgia....It brings me back to when I was a child, a teen, a young adult and the thousands of images I shot and developed and crammed into endless amounts of photo albums.

After several years of shooting digital, I feel a twist in the go back to film.  I do not think I will go back completely, there is something "safe" about digital and being able to shoot thousands of images at once, especially if I am shooting a wedding or fast running children! However, I am planning to start incorporating some film into some sessions and see where it takes me.  Likely somewhere that makes my heart sing! ♥ 

If you are interested in a film only session - couples, family, children, newborn...send me an email and I will give you a special promo rate!

Anyway...enough about film and me....just show us the images BobbiJo!! A handful of film shots from last weekend.  They are in no means perfect. I have a long way to go to "relearn" this craft! But i do love the colours!

Canon EOS Rebel 2000 | Fuji Superia 400

10 on 10 - February Monthly Blog Circle

Month 2 of our blog circle. Each month a group of photographers posts 10 images on the 10th of the month. I had SO MANY ideas of what I wanted to do this month, but of course, they did not happen how I wanted! Oh well, that's life as a mom, photographer and full time worker!

So we get five super sweet sleeping images of my babes....I watch them sleep and get a little sad sometimes at how fast they are growing up. I love every new stage and development, but sometimes I just feel its slipping away so quickly and before you know it, they will be teenagers, then in college, then moving out. :( That hurts my heart. BUT as my high school motto says: CARPE DIEM. Seize the Day.  So I will enjoy every moment while its here and stop thinking ahead! Speaking of which,  I have a couple changes I am planning to make in my home soon in regards to slowing down and enjoying the moment. So look forward to those posts shortly!


PS..if you are on your mobile, you may need to turn your phone horizontal to see the full images!

Take a click over to see Mandalyn's 10 on 10!

Letters to Our Daughters January 2013

I have joined a few different blog circles for 2013. Great way to be creative and think outside the box in terms of photography. I get so used to shooting clients that I forget about ME and my development and documenting my own family. I am very excited to be a part of this "Letters to our Daughters" Blog Circle with other moms from the Clickin Moms Forum.  Each month we write a letter to our daughters (or sons, i am going to alternate), and then we link our post with the next mom's. So when you are done reading here, click on the link to the next blog!

My dear Magoo,

You are almost two! I cannot believe it! I feel like only yesterday you graced us with your presence, and your lovely red hair.

Lets talk about this hair of yours.  Before you were even born, Mommy and Daddy joked that you would be a redhead. Don't ask us why, we just knew.  I even had new address labels made for our family with little characters, and we made your character have red hair!

This hair of yours has been quite the topic of conversation. Hence why my first post will focus on it!

Every where we go people want to touch your hair. Like red hair is an extinct trait.  However, the town we live in is still pretty Irish and I see redheads everywhere!

People ask: "does she have a temper?"

A temper - yes a little. A stubborn, fighting attitude? That's more like it. You come across it honestly, Mom and Dad are both pretty stubborn! Do not let anyone tell you this is a negative trait!

You are tough, you are strong, you know what you want and when you want it. You are only 21 months old and already have to choose your own clothes and have a fit if we put something on you that you did not pick! You are trying so hard to dress yourself. You eat alone without any help.  You stand up to your big brother if he takes your toy, or will not let you play with him. By "stand up" I mean, push him over! You do not take Sh*! from anyone! BUT - you are as sweet as pie.  My adorable, snuggly, charming, charismatic Magoo. You make Mommy and Daddy laugh ALL day long, with your sweet singing, giggly laugh, scrunched up "cheese" faces.  Your big brother is absolutely smitten with you and is falling in love with you more and more. Especially as you get older and can answer his questions and play with him!I could not ask for two better children, good days or bad, you rock our world, in the most fantastic way possible!

Love you Pumpkin,

Your Mom

Click on this link to Ashley's 

Letters to my Son

post! Then follow all the links around the circle and check out awesome photography!

Check out all the other moms in our group too 

Dana Lauder


Danielle Mazur


Heather Nordell


Allie Shellaway


Davina Gruenstein


Aimee Ford


Kelly Smith


Geneva Fonda


Kristy Dooley




Jessica Thomason


Alisha Brown


Allyson Snowden